The Christmas Tag! (And a happy birthday to me!)

Hi my lovelies,

So it’s the end of November, and it’s also my birthday today, yay! I’m kicking off Christmas in style, and doing my Christmas Tag! I started my blog just before Christmas last year, so I didn’t get to do all the counting down, but I definitely am this year!


I wasn’t tagged in this, but I’m so psyched for Christmas to be here already, so I hope you all like this and I’d love if you did your own Christmas tag for me to read!

Onto the tag!

1. What’s your favourite Christmas movie?

Image result for it's a wonderful life

I love, and I mean LOVE It’s A Wonderful Life. I watch it at least twice over the festive period, and I know that you can watch this any time of year but it’s special at Christmas time. I used to watch this every year with my great grandad on VHS every year, and I’ve kept on the tradition as I’ve grown up. It’s my favourite Christmas movie because there’s so much meaning to it, it’s all about family and giving and of course I love all Jimmy Stewart movies.

2.  Have you ever had a white Christmas?

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Not for a while, I don’t think. But I do remember snow on christmas when I was younger – we built a snowman in the back garden, and I put this little tuxedo jacket on him, and called him Man. Snow Man. Ah the memories.

3. Where do you usually spend your holiday?

I normally get the whole christmas/new year break off work (yay!), so I’m off for around 1o days over christmas. Time is either spent at home, at my dad’s house, with my nan & grandad and other family, out with friends etc. I love getting the chance to catch up with everyone around this time!

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?

Image result for all i want for christmas is you

It has to be All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey. I’m not even a Mariah fan, but this song gets me in the Christmas mood every time! I’m also a big fan of It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas (Michael Buble version) and Fairytale of New York by The Pogues.

5. Do you open any presents on Christmas eve?

Nooooo. I’m a purist and wait until the morning to open gifts. I like putting all the presents under the tree (or in the corner, or hiding them in the kitchen) on Christmas eve, and getting all excited for the morning.

6. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?

Image result for santa's reindeer

Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. Also Rudolph. I’m a Christmas pro, don’t underestimate my skills!

7. What holiday traditions are you most looking forward to this year?

It’s our turn to host this year, so the family all come around for Christmas dinner at our house. The getting together for a meal, opening each other’s gifts in the living room around the tree, pulling crackers and getting crap little toys out of them that make Christmas for me. Also counting down with an advent calendar and burning Christmassy scented candles.

8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

It’s definitely fake. I can’t be doing with hoovering up all the pine needles every day. Plus ours is gorgeous with fibre optics and stars, and we have the angel Castiel at the top protecting us all. (Yes that is a Supernatural reference. Yes we have an actual Castiel)

9. What is your all time favourite holiday food/sweet treat?

I can see people here saying Christmas Dinner or Advent Chocolates or ‘scarfing down an entire milk tray in one go’ but my favourite treats at Christmas are hot chocolates, mulled wine, and german Stollen cakes – yum!

10. Be Honest, Do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?

I definitely love giving gifts the most. Getting gifts is great, but when you’ve spent lots of time carefully picking out the best gifts for people, the best feeling is watching them open it and loving it! Anyone else?

11. What’s the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

My nan gave me a vanity set that belonged to her mother a few years back. I’d always admired it growing up, brushing my hair with the beautiful brush in front of the mirror at her house. Once I got a vanity table of my own at 21, she gifted this to me to keep and pass on eventually. It’s a beautiful notion and worth so much more to me than a regular gift. It’s still on my dressing table today.

12. What would be your dream place to visit during the holiday season?

Image result for christmas in new york

I’d love to spend Christmas in New York. It’s so cliche but shopping in Macys, strolling around Central Park in the snow, Ice Skating at Rockefeller centre. All the things in the movies. I’d love that.

13. Are you a pro-present wrapper, or do you fail miserably?

I am so bad at wrapping gifts. It could be the easiest square box and I’d still mess it up. My family and friends always say they can tell exactly which gifts are mine because they’re so badly wrapped, but at least I try.

14. Most memorable Holiday moment?

Image result for christmas turkey

Okay, so this is a funny one, at least for me. We were having Christmas dinner with my Nan and Grandad, I was about 15 years old. Nan had the turkey in the oven and it looked cooked but she said it was way before the cooking time was up. She took it out of the oven to check on it and carefully prodded it with a knife, only to find no meat and just bones. It was a big turkey so I thought it was weird and went to check, meanwhile Nan started panicking and crying a little on the stairs that it was ruined, and then calling everyone we know to see if they had extra. Meanwhile, I’m checking this turkey and it turns out she’s only gone and put it in the oven upside down, and all the meat was on the bottom! Crisis averted! We all laugh about it to this day!

15. What made you realize the truth about Santa?

I’m not sure if it was just an organic process, but I do remember one year when I was little (I might have been about 7) waking up and seeing my mum sneaking down the presents from the attic. I don’t think I ever told her I saw her, but my mum always explained santa to me like this: mummy (and everyone else) buys the presents, and Santa decides whether you can have them or not. If you’re bad, Santa gives the presents to a little boy or girl who’s been good instead. So yeah.

16. Do you make New Years resolutions? Do you stick to them?

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I try and make at least on resolution every year, but I normally forget about them after a while. So yes to the making them, no to the sticking to them. Every year I say the same thing, that I’m going to stick to my resolutions, and I just don’t. Oops.

17. What makes the holidays special for you?

It’s not just one thing, it’s sort of an amalgamation of everything. Family, friends, celebrations, giving gifts, feeling festive and cheery, watching christmas movies, listening to christmas music, everything. It’s also my birthday (today!) and my mum’s birthday around this time, so everything is that bit more exciting. The best part has to be watching my two (not so) little cousins opening their gifts. They’re 9 and 12 now, but it’s always great watching kids open presents!

So there’s my Christmas Tag!!

I’m tagging all you lovely bloggers to do your own Christmas tag – I’d love to see your Christmas faves and memories like i’ve shared mine!

As always, please let me know what you think in the comments and anything you want to see from my blog because I really love you guy’s input. Thank you guys for reading, and please don’t forget to give this post a big like and a share if you enjoyed it, and I’ll see you all very soon in the next post! Remember to click that lovely follow button to be updated about anything new from me!

More Posts from me:

Look Incredible November 2016! || Review: Love Me Beauty ! || Feel Unique Pick N Mix Samples! || Counting Down to Christmas with the Selfridges Beauty Advent Calendar! ||  Birchbox November 2016! ||  Review: Jeffree Star Liquid Lipsticks in Mannequin and Rose Matter||  The Best Beauty Blending Sponge? ||

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Ciao for now,


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