July Beauty Faves! (And a couple of fails)

Hi my lovelies,

Another month has flown by super quickly, and so I have some more products to share with you that I have been loving over July, and a few that I haven’t! we’ll start off with the positives first, and there are some skincare, some makeup, and as always some random items! Apologies for this post being slightly late, but I’ve been swamped with work this week, and the one day I wasn’t I was out literally the whole day. It’s a long one though, so (hopefully) worth the wait!

In July I also hit a milestone for this blog – 100 posts! So I just want to thank all of you guys for sticking with me so far and I can’t wait to see what the future brings!


Let’s get started, shall we?


  • Indeed Labs Hydraluron Moisture Mask
  • Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight mask 

It’s safe to say that July has been the month of face masks for me, and three of them have cropped up in my faves this month! With the weather being so dry lately, my combination skin has been hating me and so I used every moisturising product in my beauty collection this month to try and combat the dry patches while still not getting too oily and it is a fragile balance, my friends. So I’ve really been loving these two to give my skin the much needed hydration!

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Manchester haul and Mum’s birthday present!

Hey my lovelies,

So it was my mum’s birthday back at the end of December, and I got her two tickets for Cats at the Manchester Opera House. Naturally she took me along with her, and so off to Manchester we went on Saturday!


Cats was… well it was kinda weird. I’m still trying to figure out what happened at the end – have any of you seen Cats before and can shed some light on the topic for me? It was quite odd, but I did enjoy myself. The musical was pretty dance heavy and the actors were great!

We also went into the city earlier in the day, did some shopping, and grabbed some food before the show! So I thought I’d show you a little of what I purchased!

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