Beauty Blogger award!

Hey guys and welcome back!

In my dreams I’m holding an award up in front of thousands of people, thanking them for this opportunity, but IRL I know these are mostly for fun! Nevertheless, I was really delighted to be nominated for one of these five times. 

I’m so thankful to ChloeAshPaige Alicia , Dash and Sydney for nominating me, as I’ve only been blogging a little while it’s amazing to get some positive affirmation from you all –  so here we go!

The rules are:

  • Tag the blogger/s who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions you were given.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers whose blogs are about beauty/lifestyle/fashion
  • Name 10 questions for your nominees to answer
  • Let them know you nominated them.

I’ll do my best to answer all your questions! If I haven’t answered one, it’s because it’s a duplicate!

My Questions from Chloe were:

  1. Favourite Make-up Brand/s? – I’m a huge fan of Clinique (not just the make-up, almost everything they do is great!), I also love Maybelline, Benefit and Mac (mostly for the lipsticks!)
  2. If you don’t mind sharing, what’s your happiest memory? – I have loads of happy memories, but the one that always comes back to me is from when I was about five years old. My mum and her best friend took me to Disneyland Paris one winter, and I remember getting this adorable hat that looked like a christmas tree, with all these disney characters hanging off it like baubles, watching the parade, and then it starting to snow. I remember being really happy and excited, and then I met minnie mouse, which to a five year old there is nothing more incredible.
  3. Dead or alive, name one famous person you would wish to have dinner with? – Oooooh, difficult one! If I had to choose just one, I think I’d say Audrey Hepburn, just because I love her movies so much and she’s such an icon. Other than that, maybe Ian Mckellen (He’s from my home town, too!) or Peter Kay.
  4. Why did you start your blog? – I haven’t been blogging very long, but I started this because I’m really interested in beauty and makeup etc etc, and I’ve been reading blogs for ages thinking, hey, I could do that too! So that’s what i’m doing.
  5. What would you do if you won the lottery? – Depending on how much money it was (are we talking the jackpot here?) I’d buy a house, go on the holiday of a lifetime, give some money to charity, and then save most of the rest and live off the interest. Oh, and a major shopping trip!
  6. Who inspires you the most? – Is it cliche to say my mum? She’s always encouraged me to go for what I want in life and get back up after things go wrong sometimes. In my job i’ve realised that It’s really rare to get mum’s like mine, so I’m lucky!
  7. Foundation or Contour? – Foundation all the way! I’d much rather get a lovely even foundation with a fab glow than a chiseled contour. Takes less time too!
  8. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? – I’m not the biggest fan of chicken nuggets (i’m sorry!), but if I do have them, then it’s ketchup!
  9. What’s your biggest pet peeve? – Oh god so many!! To name a few – People that don’t know how to queue, Slow walkers, people that put their bags on the seats on the train/bus/anywhere to sit so other people can’t sit there!
  10. What movies could you watch over and over again and still love it every time? –Any of the Harry Potter films, I grew up watching these and it feels so nostalgic to go back to them!

My questions from Ash were:

  1. If you could only choose one, would you do your face makeup (foundation, blush, etc.) or your eye makeup? – Please don’t make me choose! But If I had to, it would be my face makeup. Foundation is my saviour from paley-paleness so i’d go with that, even though eyeliner is my favourite thing!
  2. What’s your favorite lipstick? – At the minute I’m LOVING Matte lipsticks, and my fave right now is one of Clinique’s long last soft matte lipsticks in shade Matte Plum. It’s a fantastic berry toned shade, which i’m obsessed with!
  3. Do you prefer a natural look or more dressed up makeup? – I’m a little in between, usually i’ll go for neutral eyes with some shimmery browns, with a flick of eyeliner and some bold lips, or go to town on eye makeup, with a dressed-down nude lip. It depends on what i’m feeling that day.
  4. What is your go-to hairstyle? –I’m pretty simple with my hair, either i’ll leave it straight and down or in a bun for work. If I do anything with it, I normally do a headband braid and set it with a little hairspray.
  5. How often do you wear makeup? – Most days. I normally wear at least a little foundation and eye makeup every day unless i’m ill or having one of those more natural days where i just lob on a little concealer and leave it be.
  6. One piece of beauty advice you would pass onto others? – Get your foundation matched to your skin, don’t just pick up a bottle and hope for the best. Too light or dark a foundation can make your makeup look tacky and false, it’s best to go to a makeup counter and let them tell you what’s best. Also – Practice. Beauty is like any skill, you’re not going to be amazing from the beginning. It takes time and effort to get good at it!
  7. What’s your favorite skin care brand? – Right now I’m loving Liz Earle. Their hot cloth cleanser has been my saving grace that’s rescued my skin from dullness and dry winter skin!
  8. Your go-to product for a bad skin day? – For skincare, the cleanser I mentioned above, For coverage, Clinique’s line smoothing concealer!
  9. What’s the most played song on your iPod? – I’m not sure about this as my ipod is abandoned in a drawer at the minute in favour of streaming! But most probably something by Florence + The machine because Florence is my queen.

My questions from Dash were:

1 Imagine you were in the dressing rooms in a shop and the owner, not knowing you were still there locked the place up and left. You are forced to stay there until the morning. What shop would it it? – Probably a big department store like Selfridges because there’s so many things in there to browse. I could spend all day in a Selfridges as it is! Also they have a furniture department so I could find a sofa to nap on, and most of them have a food hall so I wouldn’t go hungry!

2. Name a vlogger or a blogger you adore. – I love love love FleurDeForce! Her vlogs are my favourites and she’s my go-to when looking for new products, I see what she’s said about them first!

3. High heel or ankle boots… – I love me some heels but i’d choose ankle boots. They can be styled with anything! I especially love mine with some black jeans and a spangly top for a night look!

4. European fashion or American fashion. – I’m not sure i know the difference… I’m a brit, and I just pick stuff up in the shops that I like, style be damned! I found things that really flatter me in shops I wouldn’t even go in a few years ago!

6. Liquid eyeliner or pencil eyeliner. – Both? Both is good. I love all my eyeliners equally (Apart from the benefit they’re real! one because that one was awful) I always used to use a pencil eyeliner for everything, so I’ll say that, though.

7. If you were told you could steal one celebrity’s style who would it be and why. – I think Emma Watson always dresses really well, everything she wears looks like it was made for her and I really love her traditional but edgy style. Her clothes aren’t too out there either, so really wearable.

8. Imagine you were given the opportunity to create your own makeup range, what would it be called. – Ask my friends or anyone I know and they’ll tell you that I’ve been obsessed with Alice in Wonderland since I was really little. So I’d probably go with Wonderland or Through the looking glass or something like that!

9. You’re going to a new years eve party. Describe the makeup look you choose to wear to it. – my normal base routine (primer, foundation, concealer), with some bold-ish eyeshadow (i’m thinking lilac and purples), winged eyeliner, mascara, and some berry-toned lips. I’d probably add some pale pink blush to finish the look.

10. If you had to pick between being late for a really important event or be on time but very undergrads and without any makeup. What would you choose? – I’d focus of getting dressed in something okay at lease, to be on time to the event, of course. I’d shove my makeup bag in the taxi (i’d get a cab if i was late) and finish off my makeup en-route. I’m a pro at applying mascara on the bus as it usually lives in my handbag so I forget until then!

Sydney’s questions for me were:

  1. What is your favourite beauty store and higher end makeup brands? – Selfridges Beauty Hall is like the holy grail for me! All the best beauty brands in one place, what more could you want! For higher end brands, I love Clinique, Benefit and Charlotte Tilbury the most!
  2. What is your go to outfit on a normal day? – Jeans probably, and either a nice jumper as it’s winter, or some light layers (I.e. tshirt/blouse, cardigan, scarf) plus either my trainers, vans or ankle boots!
  3. What is your motivation? – I actually have no idea, wow! I’m just looking to the future and staying optimistic for now!
  4. Who is your favourite blogger and/or youtuber? – Fleur De Force, but as I said that above, I’m gonna go for  Louise A.K.A Sprinkle of Glitter, and Dan and Phil because I am secretly a giant nerd who loves video games and anime.
  5. What is your favourite thing about blogging? – The people! I love talking to other bloggers and discovering new blogs that I have things in common with!
  6. What is your favourite store to buy clothes at? – I like to get staple pieces from Next, and more fun stuff from shops like Forever 21 and Debenhams
  7. What is your life “motto”? – If you fail, keep trying. You’ll eventually succeed.
  8. What is your favourite thing in your room? – My vanity! It’s gorgeous and white and embellished and I was so excited to finally buy one last year!
  9. Favourite meal? – Sounds lame, but my nan’s hotpot. It’s kind of a staple meal here in Lancashire (England), and my nan makes the best hotpot!
  10. Go to TV show? – For nostalgia, Gilmore Girls (fave show ever!), If i’m feeling like I need a laugh, then Friends. For something different, I also love The Walking Dead and Supernatural. Attack on Titan is also great if you like anime.

Paige’s post was a little different, instead asking me to tell everyone 7 facts about myself, so here we are!

  1. I’m currently training to become an accountant (not what you’d expect, I know!).
  2. My favourite colours cycle between Teal Blue and Burgundy regularly.
  3. I love tea, and have so many different varieties in the house it’s beginning to become a problem.
  4. I love singing, but am completely tone deaf and terrible at it. It doesn’t deter me though!
  5. I’m a giant nerd and love anything Sci-Fi, Horror or fantasy!
  6. Terry Pratchett is my favourite author and I have most of his books.
  7. I’m left handed, which I found out makes me both more likely to be successful in my chosen career, and also more likely to become a serial killer. Let’s hope for the job one!

Aaaaaaaand Done!

My nominees for this are:

Natalya || Elyse || Abbey  || Sarah || Glitters and Mayhem || Sara || Elisha Jayne || Paris || Brooke || Sunshine and Teacups

My questions for you lovelies are:

  1. Who’s your go-to Youtuber to watch?
  2. Lipstick or Lip Gloss?
  3. What’s your favourite restaurant and fave thing to eat there…?
  4. Talk me through your daily makeup routine…
  5. What’s your signature scent (i.e what perfume do you wear)?
  6. Did you dress up for last halloween? What as?
  7. If you had to go without A) Internet or B) TV for a week which would you choose?
  8. Who is your favourite person in the world?
  9. What song always makes you cry?
  10. Silly one to finish: Would you rather fight 10 horse sized ducks, or 100 duck sized horses?

Let me know when you’ve answered these because I’d love to read your answers!

I hope everyone enjoyed learning a little more about me!!

Ciao for now,


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